Automotive industry

Material of the future

Aluminium in the automotive industry

Aluminium in the automotive industry creates significant weight reductions and thus the basis for resource-friendly fuel savings. alimex manufactures such parts for the automotive industry. The progressive tightening of the CO2 thresholds is the strongest driver for lightweight developments, in which the material aluminium plays a key role. Alongside technological progress in powertrains and in the engine, weight reduction serves to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and the generation of emissions.

Lighter vehicles also allow for improved driving comfort thanks to better acceleration, better handling and increased range, as well as improved safety because the braking distances are reduced. The use of aluminium parts is also a key factor in the development of e-mobility. And, last but not least: thanks to its recyclability, used aluminium makes a valuable contribution to sustainable product cycles. The trend towards aluminium therefore continues unabated: the amount of aluminium in cars has increased more than fivefold in Europe between 1978 and 2015 from 32 kilograms to 160 kilos. Its use has even increased tenfold in body construction. This development can also be seen in aircraft construction or shipbuilding, or in railway vehicles.

The reason for aluminium’s “triumph” lies in more than just its low weight. Continual improvements to the properties of this material, such as those alimex has formatively helped to shape, allow for ever-increasing numbers of areas of application in the automotive industry.

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